Sunday, March 31, 2019

Fun with Scratch 2.0 (Grade 4th)
Q1. Match the following instructions with their blocks.

Q2.Match the command with correct action.
Extra Questions and Answers on Scratch 2.0

Q1. Enlist the components of scratch window.
1) Sprite 2) Stage 3) New Sprite Button 4) Block Groups 5) Block Palette 6) Script 7) Tabs 8) Green Flag

Q2. Who are the programmers?

Ans: The people or professionals who are specially appointed to design the
games by using programming languages are called programmers. The task
of programmer is to add images, sounds, animate the object and make the
game interactive.

Q3. What is scratch?

Ans: Scratch is a programming  language. It contains script blocks that allows
the user to create interactive stories, animation and games.

Q4. Write down the steps to create new Sprite.


Step1: Right click on the cat sprite and click on Delete.
Step2: Click the Paint New Sprite Icon to open the paint editor.
Step3: Use the drawing and painting tools to design a sprite.

Q5. Write down the steps to create costumes of a sprite.


Step1: Once you have drawn or choosed the sprite. Click on Costume Tab and
rename your costume
Step2: Right click on the costume and select duplicate. It will create a copy of
Step3: Click on Edit Costume, the paint editor window will appear.
Step4: Make changes in the created costume as per your choice and give
another name to this costume .

Q6. Write down the steps to add music to the sprite.


Step1: Select the sprite with different costumes.

Step2: Click on the script block

Step3: Click on the Sound group

Step4: Drag Play Sound Pop Block and drop it under 'Next Costume' Block

Q7. How can we position our sprite on stage?

Ans: The stage is divided in four squares  by a horizontal and vertical lines.
These squares are called Quadrants. The horizontal line is labeled as X-axis
and vertical line is labeled as Y-axis. The point where X axis and Y axis meet
is called Origin where the value of X and Y will always be zero.

Q8 Write down the maximum values of all four Quadrants.

Quadrant 1 : x = 240 and y=180
Quadrant 2 : x = -240 and y=180
Quadrant 3 : x = -240 and y = -180
Quadrant 4 : x = 240 and y = -180 

Q9. Write down the short note on the following:

Stamp Tool: The stamp tool is used to makes the duplicate copy of the sprite by
on the sprite.

Ellipse Tool: The Ellipse tool is used to draw any circular or elliptical or oval

Eyedropper Tool: The Eyedropper tool is used to select color from anywhere by
clicking on it and will make it your selected color.

Selection Tool: The Selection tool is used to select a specific region of your
sprite or picture.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Advance Features of Scratch 2.0

Advance Features of Scratch 2.0

Question and Answers

Click Here to Download Scratch 2.0

Q1. Answer the following question.

a. Sunaina has written a program to capture the input from the use. She has created a variable named ‘input’. What will be the final value of this variable after the execution of the program?

Ans: After the execution of the program, the final value of the variable will be the answer for the friend’s name.

b. Write a script in Scratch to input your favourite movie using the keyboard.


c. Write a script in Scratch to say “meow” forever.


d. Create two variables - book and chocolate. Write a Script in Scratch to input your favourite book and chocolate and save the result in the variables.


e. Use Scratch programming to design the following game. Identify the use of variable in the game.

Solve it at home and check the Output

Monday, January 7, 2019

Algorithm and Flowchart

Algorithm and Flowchart

Simple Definitions:

Algorithm: “A step by step procedure to solve any problem is called algorithm.”

Flowchart : “ A pictorial representation / form of algorithm is called Flowchart.”

Computer Program: The set of instruction written in a language which computer can understand is called computer program. Whenever you wish to write a computer programs then the main steps are as follows:

Algorithm : Creating an Algorithm
Flowchart : Drawing a flowchart based on Algorithm
Program : Converting a flowchart into a computer program.

Algorithm :

A step by step procedure to solve any problem is called algorithm.  An algorithm is a representation of a solution to a problem. The Algorithm is invented by Abu Ja’far Mohammed ibn Musa Al-Khawarizmi in the 9th century. The word is derived from the phonetic pronunciation of the last name of Mohammed ibn Musa Al-Khawarizmi, who was an Arabic mathematician who invented a set of rules for performing the four basic arithmetic operations on decimal numbers.
It is commonly used for data processing, calculation and other related computer and mathematical operations. An algorithm is also used to manipulate data in various ways, such as inserting a new data item, searching for a particular item or sorting an item.

To make a computer do anything, you have to write a computer program. (A computer program is a set of instruction given to the computer.) To write a computer program, you have to tell the computer, step by step, exactly what you want it to do. The computer then "executes" the program, following each step mechanically, to accomplish the end goal.
When you are telling the computer what to do, you also get to choose how it's going to do it. That's where computer algorithms come in. The algorithm is the basic technique used to get the job done. Let's follow an example to help get an understanding of the algorithm concept.

Making Tea Algorithm:

Step 1:  Take a container or Vessel
Step 2: Put Ingredients such as Milk, sugar, tea etc.
Step 3:  Boil it
Step 4:  Serve the Tea

Making a cup of Tea by using kettle

Step 1:  Fill the kettle with water.
Step 2:  Switch on the power to heat the water.
Step 3:  Check for boiling water. If not, go back to Step 2.
Step 4:  Put all the ingredients to make tea.
Step 5:  Switch off the power.


Let's say that you have a friend arriving at the airport, and your friend needs to get from the airport to your house. Here are four different algorithms that you might give your friend for getting to your home:

The taxi algorithm:

Step 1: Go to the taxi stand.
Step 2:  Get in a taxi.
Step 3 : Give the driver my address.

The call-me algorithm:

Step 1:  When your plane arrives, call on my cell phone.
Step 2:  Meet me outside baggage claim area.

The rent-a-car algorithm:

Step 1:  Take the shuttle to the rental car place.
Step 2:  Rent a car.
Step 3:  Follow the directions to get to my house.

The bus algorithm:

Step 1: Outside baggage claim, catch bus number 70.
Step 2:  Transfer to bus 14 on Main Street.
Step 3: Get off on Elm street.
Step 4:  Walk two blocks north to my house.

All four of these algorithms accomplish exactly the same goal, but each algorithm does it in completely different way. Each algorithm also has a different cost and a different travel time. Taking a taxi, for example, is probably the fastest way, but also the most expensive. Taking the bus is definitely less expensive, but a whole lot slower. You choose the algorithm based on the circumstances.


The pictorial or graphical representation or form of an algorithm is called Flowchart. Flowchart is invented by Frank Gilbreth in 1921.
A flowchart is a type of diagram that represents an algorithm, workflow or process. The flowchart shows the steps as boxes of various kinds, and their order by connecting the boxes with arrows. This diagrammatic representation illustrates a solution model to a given problem. Flowcharts are used in analyzing, designing, documenting or managing a process or program in various fields.
Flow charting is a tool developed in the computer industry, for showing the steps involved in a process. The first structured method for documenting process flow, the “flow process chart,” was introduced by Frank Gilbreth to members of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) in 1921 as the presentation “Process Charts—First Steps in Finding the One Best Way.”
There are various professional softwares are available on the web which are used to draw flowchart. 
Some popular software are:
1) Microsoft Word,
2) Smart Draw, 
3) Microsoft Visio,
4) Edraw Max, 
5) Google Drawings, 
6) Creately, 
7) yEd etc

Symbols used in Flow Chart:

Start / End:
The terminator symbol marks the starting or ending point of the system. it usually contains the word "Start" or "End"

A Box or Rectangle can represent a single step such as Sum = A + B

Input / Output:
It represent material or information entering or leaving the system, such as Read A, Read B

A decision or branching point. Lines representing different decisions emerge from different points of the diamond.

Flow Line:
A Flow line indicate the sequence of the steps and the direction of flow.

Guidelines to draw a flowchart:

The flowchart should be neat, clean and easy to follow.
The usual direciton of the flow of a procedure or system (Arrow) is from left to right or top to bottom.
Only one flow line should come out from a process symbol.
For Example:
Only one flow line should enter a decision symbol.
Ensure that the flowchart has a logical start and finish.

Converting Algorithm to a Flowchart:

Flowchart based on a algorithm to find the sum of two numbers


Step 1: Let A = 50    (here we are assigning the value 50 to A)
Step 2: Let B = 40   (here we are assigning the value 40 to B)
Step 3: Sum = A + B  ( Addition of the value of A and B and storing result in
Step 4: Sum = 90   (Finally displaying result which is store in Sum i.e 90

Flowchart for sum of two numbers:

Decision Making:

The Decision making process is used whenever you have to choose one option from give two option. In other words we can say that you have to give answer in Yes or No whenever questioned asked to you.
Diamond  shaped symbol is used for decision making while drawing a flowchart.
Consider the following Algorithm and Flowchart for waking up in the morning. At Step 2 the question is asked and the answer is Yes or No. It is a decision making step where you have to decide whether to hit snooze or not. This decision taking step is represented as a diamond in the flowchart


Step 1: The Alarm rings at a specified time.
Step 2: If you it Snooze, go back to Step1
Step 3:Else wake up
Step 4: Turn off Alarm



Repetition of a sequence of steps until a spefied condition is fulfilled or satisfied is called loop. In other words we can say that the loop means executing one statement multiple times as per the specified condition.
Consider a situation in which a sequence of steps has to be repeated. Look at the flowchart to understand the loops.


Step 1: Get the Number 'N'
Step 2: Set variable Count be equal to 1
Step 3: Multiple = N X Count
Step 4: Display Multiple
Step 5: If Count is 10 go to End
Step 6: Add 1 to current value of Count and go to Step 3.
Step 7: End

The repetition of sequence starts with Count = 1. The value of N (i.e 12) is multiplied with 1 and output is printed. Since we want to repeat the multiplication till count become 10 so we will add 1 to the count. In the second iteration or repeatation the value of Count will become 2 and the value of N will be multiplied by 2 and output will be printed. A decision box is used to stop the repetition when the value of count becomes 11.

Question and Answers for Algorithm and Flowchart

Q1. Fill in the blanks.

a) The instructions written in a language which computer can understand is called Computer Program
b) A set of steps that are followed in order to solve any problem or to complete a task is called Algorithm
c) The graphical or pictorial form of an algorithm is called the Flowchart
d) A Flow line Symbol is used to connect one box of flowchart to another.
e) A decision box is diamond shape.

Q2. Match the elements of a flow chart and their purpose of use in the following situation

Q3. The following flowchart gives the steps followed while taking attendance in a class. Three Arrows and a loop are missing. Complete the flowchart as follows:

Draw three arrows and missing loop at the correct place
Label the decision arrow with Yes or No


Monday, November 26, 2018

Animations with Pivot Animator 4

Animations with Pivot Animator 4

Pivot Animator is free animation software. It is a great tool to learn the basic concepts of animation. Animation is a process of displaying of images in rapid sequence to create the impression of movement. It is like the flip book. A flip book is a book with a series of images that gradually change from one page to another. As you flip the book, the image or picture looks like it is moving. Pivot mainly uses lines and circles to create animations. It is a very simple program that is great for learning to animate, and always good for practicing. The creator, Peter Bone, decided to make a free to use animation program for people who would like to learn if they are cut out for animation.

Pivot allows you to easily create frame-by-frame animations.  You can move the sections of the stick figure and easily create a chain of animation frames that can be previewed as you go.  You can use more than one stick-figure in the animation, and even create your own stick figures using an easy to use visual editor that lets you assemble objects out of lines and circles.  This “free” application must be downloaded and installed on a local computer. This software only runs on Microsoft Windows. If you are looking for a comparable product for the Apple Mac OS, try Stykz. (download link of Pivot Animator software for windows is available at the end of this article).

Pivot Animator
Pivot Animator (formerly Pivot Stickfigure Animator and usually shortened to Pivot) is a freeware application that allows users to create stick-figure and sprite animations, and save them in the animated GIF format for use on web pages and the AVI format.
Pivot provides a simple, easy to use interface with a few features. It uses fixed length 'sticks' to ensure size consistency during animation.

First release
The first version of Pivot Animator had several software bugs. Stick figures were limited to one type of stick figure, the default stickman. Animations could be saved in the .PIV (Pivot Project File) or exported as Animated .GIFs (Graphics Interchangeable Format). Users were given few options of image optimization, compression or resizing when saving their animation.[ This Was one of the first animation programs available on the computer.

Pivot 2.2
The second major release of the Pivot Stickfigure Animator. This version implemented the 'Stick Figure Builder', which allowed users to create their own stick figure designs saved in the STK format. This allowed a much wider scope of animation choice for Pivot users. It also fixed a few minor bugs, added the buttons to the main interface to bring a stick figure in front or behind other figures, and could automatically check to make sure the user didn't lose any unsaved projects.[citation needed]

Pivot 3.1 Beta
This release was sent intentionally to the Pivot Animation MSN groups for testing but the Beta was leaked from various unofficial sources to the general public.[citation needed] There was an improved interface, with new icons, a better default stickman with bolder arms and legs and a reorganization of the features. New features included the ability to import any image as a sprite to be moved around in the animation like a stick figure. Another added feature was the ability to have multiple backgrounds in an animation. When a user saves a .piv file, the frame rate is saved with it.

Pivot 4.1
Pivot 4.1 beta was released was on January 2, 2013, with new features including.
•     Figure opacity
•     Extended canvas area
•     Multi-select and edit figures
•     Stretch segments using the Ctrl key
•     Rotate / scale figures using the Alt key
•     Image based figure and background selector
•     Split a segment into 2 in the figure builder
•     Copy and paste frames
•     Improved Gif export options and quality
•     Avi video export
•     Join figures tool
•     Png support for sprites and backgrounds
•     Keyboard shortcuts
•     Multiple languages and the ability to create your own translation
•     Multiple frame onion skins (0-9)
•     Undo / redo
•     Image preview of Stk files when loading figures
Pivot Animator 4.1.10 was released as the "stable" version of 4.1 and is still the latest non-beta version so far (as of October 2015). Pivot 4.2 was announced on December 23, 2014 followed by a beta release on January 1, 2015. New features include copying and pasting selected stick figures and sprites, a transparent figure builder window, and the ability to export images in the Scalable Vector Graphics format.

Click below to see the Animation Demo and Tutorial to Animations using Pivot Animator 4:

Tutorial to create Animations with Pivot Animator 4:
Tutorial 1: 

Tutorial 2: 

Tutorial 3: 

Tutorial 4: 

Tutorial 5: 

Tutorial 6: 

***Question and Answers on Pivot Animator***

Q1. What is flip book?
Ans: A flip book is a book with a series of images that gradually change from one page to another.

Q2. What is Animation?
Ans: Animation is the process of displaying images in a rapid sequence to create the impression of movement.

Q3. What is Pivot Animator and why it is use?
Ans: Pivot Animator is a user friendly software. It is use to create Two Dimensional (2D) stick figure animation.

Q4. How to move the stick figure in Pivot Animator 4?
Ans: The stick figure is moved by clicking on the Orange dot or Origin handle. The Red dot or Segment Handle is use to move a specific part of the stick figure

Q5. Write down the steps to create our own Stick Figure?
Step1: Go to File Menu option
Step2: Click on ‘Create Figure Type’ option. So the Stick Figure Builder Window will Open.
Step3: Choose desired controls or tools and create your own stick figure.

Q6. Panshul created an animation in Pivot Animator 4. He wants to Play his animation again and again. Help him to do the same.

Ans: Panshul has to go to ‘Player control Section’ and has to check the Loop option then click on Play.

Q7. How to create the Animation in Pivot Animator 4?
Ans: An Animation can be created by creating a series of frames where each frame is slightly different from previous frame.

Q8. Why Frame Rate Scroll bar is used?
Ans: The Frame Rate Scroll bar is used set the playing speed of the Animation. The value below the scroll bar shows the frame rate in frames per second (fps) which ranges from 7 fps means slow playing to 33 fps means fast playing.

Q9. Write Down the difference between Save Animation and Export Animation.
Save Animation
Export Animation
Save Animation option is use to save your file in the default file format or extension of Pivot Animator i.e .piv
Export Animation Option is use to Save your animation file in animated GIF file or an AVI video file.
We can load and edit our animation again and again.
We can not load and edit the animation.

Q10. Write down the controls or tools for building a stick figure.

Q11. Rucha has created animation in pivot animator. She wants to save her animation. What steps she should follow.
Ans :
Step1: Click on File Menu.
Step2: Choose “Save Animation” option from appeared list.
Step3: A dialogue box will open, give any suitable Name to your created animation. It will be saved with given name and “.piv” extension or file format.

Q12. Raju has created an animation in Pivot Animator. He wants to upload his animation on youtube or wants to see in mobile phone as a video. Help him to do the same.
Ans: Raju will have to choose Export Animation option to convert his animation in video.
Steps to Export Animation:
Step1: Click on File Menu.
Step2: Choose “Export Animation” option from appeared list.
Step3: A dialogue box will open, give any suitable Name to your created animation with “.AVI” or .GIF extension. It will be exported in video or GIF format.

Q13. Fill in the blanks.
1.      The default extension to save pivot animator file is     .PIV    .
2.      The created stick figure is saved with     .STK    extension.
3.            Tween      is the short form for in-between.
4.      The term 2 D stands for     Two Dimensional   
5.            Create Figure Type      option is used to draw our own stick figure.
6.      The stick figure build from line or circle is called    Segments   .
7.         Segment Handle or Red Dots    is use to move a specific segment of an stick figure.
8.      We can make up to     255      segment in one stick figure.
9.         Origin Handle or Orange Dot    is use to move the whole stick figure.
10.   Arrow keys  are used to move the selected figure accurately.
11. We can slow down an animation without creating duplicate frames by entering value for each frame in the   Repeat Box     .
12. The    Timeline    shows all frames in the animation at the top of the main window.
13. The shadow of the previous frame is displayed on the current frame is called   Onion Skins    .
14. The term FPS stands for   Frames Per Second    .

15. FPS ranges from   7   to   33    frames to specify slow and fast playing.

Download Books for Advance Learning:

Download Pivot Animator Software
Pivot Animator Help 4.pdf
Pivot Animator.pdf

Highlights of Topics

Fun with Scratch 2.0 (Grade 4th) Q1. Match the following instructions with their blocks. Q2.Match the command with correct actio...